Day in the life: Operations Edition

day in the life

Explore a typical day in the life alongside Julie, who serves as the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Fraîche.

Originally from Bordeaux, France, she made the transition to New York City a few years ago, having previously resided in Singapore. Driven by her strong work ethic, kind demeanor, and unwavering determination, JuJu plays an indispensable role within our team, shouldering a significant operational workload and ensuring the continuous flow of our processes. Julie’s dedication to Fraîche is unwavering, and her contributions are deeply cherished by all of us.

Tell us where you’re from and the places you’ve lived before landing in NYC!

Ah, the picturesque landscapes of the south of France, a place I proudly call home. Before I found myself in the bustling streets of New York City, I had the pleasure of living in charming Bordeaux and the vibrant city-state of Singapore. Although the allure of southern France remains close to my heart, life’s journey led me to bigger cities, and I’ve wholeheartedly embraced the change. NYC has proven to be an exhilarating and inspiring experience!

We’re curious about your journey into Fraîche. What prompted you to join, and what impact have you made?

Upon arriving in NYC, serendipity introduced me to Txim, and our connection was instant. Embracing the opportunity, I joined Fraîche as the Head of Operations, a decision I will never regret. My role has evolved significantly since then, culminating in becoming a co-founder and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the company. Having devoted my entire career to the food industry, I’ve witnessed firsthand the vast amount of waste it generates. At Fraîche, we are on a mission to make a positive impact by offering sustainable food solutions for companies and their employees, empowering individuals to make mindful choices benefiting their health and the environment.

Can you give us a peek into your daily morning routine?

Allow me to share a peek into my morning routine, which serves as my secret weapon for maintaining a healthy and balanced life amidst the fast-paced startup world. Consistency is key, so I wake up at the same time each day, followed by a rejuvenating meditation session to clear my mind and set positive intentions. After an invigorating shower, I treat myself to a wholesome breakfast before embarking on a delightful ride across the city on my trusty electric scooter. The breathtaking views from the bridges are undoubtedly the highlight of my morning!

Operations edition

What does a typical workday look like for you?

A typical workday in my world is a whirlwind of energy, consisting of an array of projects, meetings, calls, and crucial management tasks that keep me on my toes. As the COO, I relish the challenges and embrace the opportunities that each day presents.

What’s your favorite and least favorite part of your job?

Working alongside a team of passionate and extraordinary individuals is undeniably the most rewarding aspect of my job. However, managing a 24/7 business can be demanding at times. Nevertheless, the passion and dedication we share for our mission make every obstacle worthwhile.

When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?

While my work is a significant part of my life, I cherish my moments outside the office equally. Family time holds a special place in my heart, and whenever I’m not at the office, you’re likely to find me on the golf course, honing my swing and enjoying the tranquility it brings.

Fast & Curious

  • Favorite Fraîche meal? As a self-confessed pasta aficionado, I can’t resist a sumptuous pasta dish at Fraîche
  • Favorite NYC restaurant? When dining out in NYC, Osteria Morini in Soho is my go-to restaurant. Their pasta is my absolute favorite. Never had a bad experience here. 
  • Favorite meal to cook at home? At home, I love to keep things simple. In the summer especially, I love a fresh and flavorful salad with haloumi and ripe tomatoes.
  • Favorite sport? Golf is my sport of choice, offering me both relaxation and a welcome challenge.
  • Favorite book? “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals” by Oliver Burkeman has left a profound impact on me. This thought-provoking read reminds us of the limited time we have on this planet, urging us to live each of our 4000 weeks (even fewer when factoring in sleep!) to the fullest. Burkeman’s insights into time management have encouraged me to strategize how I spend my precious time, making each moment count.
A day in the life